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浓情五月五 Fifth day,fifth month
Work name
Time :2015  City :三等奖
  • Photo
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  • University
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  • Director
  • Nikita Sampath
  • 美国波士顿大学
  • 印度
  • Producer
  • 李青
  • 浙江传媒学院
  • 中国

作品介绍(Work introduction)

端午是中国的传统节日之一,在五月五这一天,人们赛龙舟,品粽子,端午情怀传千古。本片聚焦于传统节日中凝聚的家国情怀——“人•家•国" 。男划龙舟,比拼的是力量和磅礴气势,女包粽子,融入的是一家团聚的情与爱。而中国传统的“人家国”就凝聚在浓情五月五这天,影响着一代又一代华夏子孙。
I came to Hangzhou with the intension of filming the Yin and Yang of the Duanwu festival but had a hard time finding access to a Yin side and was running out of shooting time.
I am grateful to Prof. Poister and Rebecca Yang for helping me stick to my original elaborate idea and pushing me to find the other half to my story. Thanks also to my partner and producer Li Qing without whom I couldn't have made Fifth Day Fifth Month. Thank you for always being by my side and taking me to some great food places! I'm so glad it all worked out well in the end.
It was great to learn from all the other wonderful, talented young people who were part of Looking China 2015. Thank you for enriching my life.
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