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这就是快乐长沙 This is happy changsha
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Time :2014  City :长沙Changsha
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作品介绍(Work introduction)

中国的城市素以污染大,拥挤和繁忙出名,但湖南的长沙却不是这样。这座城市有一个轻松的氛围,不禁让人联想起澳大利亚的墨尔本和美国的旧金山。在夏天,天气很热而且潮湿,温度偶尔可以达到40 °C,这时候蝉的鸣叫也会一直不停歇。但是长沙和她的人民却仍然保持着轻松欢快——不是因为一个艰难的壮举而被认为是中国最快乐的城市之一,仅次于海南的海口。那是什么让长沙成为这样一座开心的城市呢?为了探寻其中的奥秘,我们和几个当地人聊天。一位太极大师,一个咖啡馆老板和一个家庭主妇,他们告诉我们他们是怎么在这个城市成功地开辟出一席之地,以及属于他们的特定类型的快乐。关于幸福的秘密,他们三个告诉了我们什么呢?长沙的人告诉我们,你做什么并不重要——总会有一些东西让你去感激每一天。

Chinese cities are known for being polluted, crowded and busy, but the city of Changsha in Hunan province is none of that. The city has a relaxed vibe that is reminiscent of cities like Melbourne in Australia and San Francisco in the USA. In the midst of summer, the weather is hot, humid – occasionally hitting a high of 40 °C – and the cicada calls are incessant. But Changsha and its people remains effortlessly cheerful – not a hard feat for a city considered to be one of the happiest in China, second only to Haikou in Hainan province. So what makes Changsha such a happy city? To find out more, we talk to a few locals to find out. A taichi master, a café owner and a housewife tell us how they have managed to carve out a place in this city, and their particular type of joy. And what does these three tell us about the secret to happiness?  The people of Changsha show us that it doesn’t matter what you do – there will always be something to appreciate every day.

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