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作品介绍(Work introduction)
影片开始于拥挤繁杂的地铁站。当探访者来到星际北京的初期,它不禁停下匆忙的脚步,目光专注于每个来往的过客。它对这个星际的人感到好奇,在它到达这个星际的那一刻,它开始纪录下这个地方所有的一切。有在辛勤工作的劳苦工人,有匆匆步履的年轻白领,也有含饴弄孙的迟暮老人。就在这个时候,探访者遇到一个神秘的女孩儿。女孩儿和探访者一起分享了她人生中的经历与思考。在这段旅行的最后,探访者得出了这样一个感悟:只有亲身体会了,你才有资格评价这个星际。The film kicks off in the chaotic way to the subway. As the visitor (camera) arrives to Planet Beijing, it stops to see people’s faces. As the visitor felt so much interested in the people of Planet Beijing, when he arrives he starts to film them while they are working, walking or simply resting. In the mean time the visitor meets a mysterious girl who shares with him her thoughts about life. At the end, the visitor learns a big lesson: Don’t judge Planet Beijing before visit it.