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民族瑰宝 A nation’s treasures
Work name
Time :2015  City :兰州Lanzhou
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  • Director
  • Louis
  • Producer
  • 王雅君
  • 西北师范大学
  • 中国

作品介绍(Work introduction)

    “ 精神文明的产物和动植物的产物一样只能用各自的环境来解释”
    为什么秦腔荡气回肠 因为黄河的波涛气势磅礴,为什么葫芦微雕如此精致 因为兰州的人民贴心热忱
    都说一方水土养一方人 ,每一个地域都有各自独特的文明产物 这些都是这片黄土地给予我们的。兰州的水土,养育着一方秦腔艺人,养育着葫芦,养育着一方刻葫芦的艺人。
    秦腔与葫芦微雕,一个是高亢嘹亮,一个是沉静细腻。二者的结合, 一定会拿给你带来不同的体验。我们将为你讲述一个关于家庭与文化的故事。
"Spiritual product of the same product and the plants and animals can only be explained by their environment."
Why Shanxi opera magnificent soul-stirring because the waves of the Yellow River, and why so delicate miniature gourd intimate enthusiasm because people in Lanzhou are intimate and enthusiasm
It is said that side soil support people, each region has its own unique culture productions which are this yellow river land given to us. Lanzhou water and soil, is raising the party Shaanxi opera artists, raising the gourd, raising one carved gourd artists.
Shaanxi opera and miniature gourd, is a resounding loud and clear, is a quiet and delicate. A combination of both, will show you bring a different experience. We will tell you a story about family and culture.
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