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丽江之水 Water of Lijiang
Work name
Time :2016  City :云南Yunnan
  • Photo
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  • Director
  • Nikola Zdravkovic
  • University of Arts Belgrade
  • Serbia
  • Producer
  • 王春媛
  • 云南大学
  • 中国

作品介绍(Work introduction)

The flower is floating on the water. 花朵飘在水面上
The water is calm at first. 水面一开始很平静
We see a lake divided into three welts. 黑龙潭由3个潭面构成
We follow the flower passing by the trees, a snowy mountain. 我们随着花朵穿过树丛,雪山
We see fishes in the lake, a duck passing by. 看到了鱼游湖中 野鸭戏水
Then we see people by the water. It's very early in the morning. 清晨人们在水边活动
Some of the people are doing tai chi, some jogging, and some of them just calmly looking into the water. 有的在打太极 有的在慢跑 有的只是静静地看着湖面
 Flower continues his journey. 花朵继续它的旅程
Now the flower enters the ancient city of Lijiang. 现在 花朵流入了丽江古城
We see a watermill, some astonishing buildings. 流过了水车和令人惊叹的建筑
The city is slowly awaking. 古镇渐渐苏醒
Stores are all still closed. 商店还未营业
People are going out of there houses, going to the river to take water or wash something. 人们走出房门 来到河边打水或是洗东西
We see a man on a bicycle going to work. 男人骑车去工作
Then we see kids walking to their schools. 孩子走路去上学
The sunshine is stronger and stronger.  阳光越来越强
The flower is closing to the end of the ancient city of Lijiang. 花朵也即将结束它的丽江古城之旅
There, on the border between ancient and modern part of the city, a boy picks up a flower send to him by a girl. 在丽江古城与新城交界的湖边 男孩拾起了水中的那朵花
The flower is finshing his jouney and telling a story.花朵结束了旅程并留下了一段故事
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