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时间的味道 Man is what he eats
Work name
Time :2016  City :云南Yunnan
  • Photo
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  • Director
  • Fabio Ragni
  • University of Macerata
  • Italy
  • Producer
  • 安淑蕊
  • 云南大学
  • 中国

作品介绍(Work introduction)

这是一个关于旅行的影像记录。一个意大利男孩来到中国,探寻地道的中国传统食物。在这个美丽的国度,这位青年的学生尝试着去寻找这个民族饮食文化的精髓。影片开头,对云南风光进行了简短的概述。继而,开始讲述云南省大理市的集市生活。这些构成了本影片的前半部分。影片的重头戏,也是影片的主题,展示了一种大理白族特色食物:喜洲粑粑。包括,如何制作喜洲粑粑以及人们对这种食物的热爱。影片结尾, 通过一段情感独白,试图展现中国的饮食传统以及现代发展过程中食物所起到的不可替代的作用。 
The video talking about a travel.This travel is around the food in China,is the travel of an Italian boy,that want to find the real essence of the food culture in this beautiful country.This video starts with a fast description about Yunnan region.After that the video talks about the market in Dali,and so there is the first part about food.In the middle and main part there are the very theme of the video:Xizhoubaba.How make that and how much people love that typical food.At the end of the emotional part about the tradition and future of China connected with food.
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