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新大陆 New world
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Time :2019  City :山东Shandong
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  • Director
  • Nkantu Luscious Dosi
  • AFDA School of Creative Economy
  • South African
  • Producer
  • 王启田
  • 曲阜师范大学
  • 中国

作品介绍(Work introduction)

一位名叫夏非·佩拉(Shafii Pella)的非洲留学生,被一所远离家乡的中国医学院录取。在相互的交流中,他尝试跟宿舍里其它留学生建立友谊。他们一起分享适应饮食、语言、文化差异等困境的经历。孔子是一位对新世界意识形态做出重大贡献的圣人,夏非·佩拉(Shafii Pella)通过学习中国思想家孔子,发现了中国新的生活哲学。夏非·佩拉(Shafii Pella)作为一位医学生,他通过相关知识的学习,看到了更加耀眼的亮光。待时机成熟,这点亮光会成为非洲希望的灯塔。

An African immigrant by the name of Shafii Pella, has been accepted at a medical university in a country far away from home . Through the interaction, the student explore new relationships with other immigrant students in a dormitory of foreign students. They share some experiences of going through a predicament to adapt through food, language and cultural differences. Shaffi discovers new philosophy of life in China by learning from the father of knowledge, Confucius, that contributes to the ideological perspectives of the new world. Through the epitome of learning as medical students, Shaffi Pella sees the brighter light that could be the possible beacon of hope for Africa when the time is ripe.

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