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作品介绍(Work introduction)
在伊拉克,有这样一句谚语:“天使羽化成医,方能予人以安”。伊拉克导演Mustafa在本次“看中国·吉林行”活动当中,走进了吉林大学第二医院重症监护室。在亲眼见证了ECMO团队医生与死神赛跑、同病魔抗争的惊心动魄之后,Mustafa重新审视了生命的意义, 将中国传统文化中的“道”融入作品当中,探讨医生在工作与家庭中的付出与牺牲,展现出他所理解的“医道”。
In Iraq, there is such a saying: "only when an angel becomes a doctor can he give peace to others.". Iraqi director Mustafa walked into the intensive care unit of the second hospital of Jilin University in the activity of "watching China Jilin Tour". After witnessing the thrilling struggle between ECMO team doctors and death, Mustafa reexamined the meaning of life, integrated the "Tao" in traditional Chinese culture into his works, discussed the doctors' efforts and sacrifices in work and family, and showed his understanding of "medical Tao".