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作品介绍(Work introduction)
来自印尼的华裔鼓手Joye 学习西方打击乐多年,他来到上海找寻本土音乐的灵感,因为一次偶然机会和民族乐团的中国鼓手相遇。两位风格迥异的鼓手在鼓点中碰撞出音乐的火花,并在上海共同找到了独特而有趣的“上海节奏”。
Joye, a Chinese drummer from Indonesia, studied drums and percussion for many years. Coming to Shanghai for inspiration, he encountered local culture and music.While playing drums in Shanghai, a lot of people suggest that he use local instruments. After a time, he finally decided to find an instructor of Chinese percussion.Providence brought him to Mr. Wang, a member of the Chinese National Orchestra. After that, the drummers with different styles collided - with the sparks of music inside the drums.Ultimately, Joye found a unique and interesting Rhythm, which he later entitled "SHANGHAI RHYTHM".