我们追溯没有生命的木偶怎么变成个性鲜明活灵活现的人物。 挖掘木偶戏工作人员背后的故事,了解到这份工作带给他们的满足感远远不止于努力付出换来的观众认可,而是在互联网时代的冲击下,能够坚守责任,同时适应时代发展,为这门古老艺术的保护与传承、创新与发展贡献力量。
Performing Life is a documentary about the Zhang Tou (wooden rod) puppetry art. Through the eyes of the performers and designers at the Hunan Puppet and Shadow Art Protection and Inheritance Center, we get a glimpse of the art of puppetry.
What does it take to make a puppet come to life? By talking to members of the puppetry troupe, we see how their passion for their work infuses their inanimate partners with life. They show us how puppetry and the reactions from the audience gives them satisfaction in their work.