根 Roots
年份 :2016  城市 :广西
  • 照片
  • 制片职责
  • 姓名
  • 院校
  • 国籍
  • 导演
  • Prathyush Chandra
  • 印度萨蒂亚吉特雷伊影视学院
  • Indian
  • 制片人
  • 周越强
  • 广西师范大学
  • 中国

作品介绍(Work introduction)

     对于更好的生活和幸福的不断追求使我们的周遭环境不断发生改变,这导致了传统与现代之间的冲突。从这个角度来看,苗村是一个宝藏,从古至今,她有着丰富的歌曲和诗歌,她专注于简单的生活。 Vasudeva kutumbam 在梵文中的意思是“全世界是个大家庭”。当你和苗族人在一起相处哪怕很少的一段时间,你就会产生这种印象。长大以后,我对我的家乡有美好的回忆。当我发现如今的苗族青年不再像过去那样在山中对唱情歌的时候,我就想把重点放在我现在的主人公,曾大姐身上,她在深山苗寨中长大结婚,现在定居城市。这部电影重点讲述她在山歌中的乡村生活和她在现代城市中匆匆忙忙的生活。虽然我们的愿望是不断地发展,但我们的根将永远保持不变。我们应该永远尊重我们的根,因为它会让我们变得更好。

Constant human pursuit for better life and happiness makes us evolve and change according to the prevailing circumstances. This results in the conflict between our traditional and modern beliefs. To put this in perspective, the village of Miao is a treasure from the past even today with her rich songs and poems and her focus on simple life. Vasudeva kutumbam in Sanskrit means ‘all the world is one family’, a little time spent with Miao people will give you this impression. Growing up, I have fond memories of my village from past. When I found out that they don’t sing Miao love songs for proposal anymore, I wanted to focus on the life of my subject, Mrs.Zeng who is from Miao village and now stays in city. This film focuses on her folk song life in village and her modern and ambitious life in the city. Though however we evolve as per our aspirations, our roots will always remain the same and probably we should always respect them because we can only become better.
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