霓虹晨昏 QINGDAO--Neon,dawn,dusk
年份 :2022  城市 :山东
  • 照片
  • 制片职责
  • 姓名
  • 院校
  • 国籍
  • 导演
  • Sahand Abdinematabad
  • Ocean University of China
  • Iran
  • 制片人
  • 阿森娜
  • 中国海洋大学
  • 中国

作品介绍(Work introduction)


An international student new in China has experienced confusion and exhaustion.Moved by many kindness, he comes to fall in love with the city of Qingdao. In the passage from day to night, the film focuses on the unique atmosphere of Qingdao and its diversity, openness and modernity from the perspective of the international student; When experiencing the city, he earned a sense of belonging.

img 地址: 北京市海淀区新街口外大街19号  img 电话: +86 (010)58805680  img 邮箱: lookingchina@bnu.edu.cn
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