年份 :2024  城市 :安徽
  • 照片
  • 制片职责
  • 姓名
  • 院校
  • 国籍
  • 导演
  • 帕特里克·安东鲁克
  • 爱沙尼亚塔林大学
  • 爱沙尼亚
  • 制片人
  • 安徽师范大学
  • 马景涛
  • 中国

作品介绍(Work introduction)


What if humans were drops of water, flowing along the river and feeling the need to see it all before it passes? Still Return is a poetic documentary that explores the rhythm of life in the ancient village of Xidi. We observe little everyday moments that go unnoticed by the cameras and selfie-sticks of the passing tourist hordes. Beneath the mainstream flow of the river are deeper unexplored paths and ground-bound pondweeds that move in their own rhythm, the only constant among the flow of passing faces. Day turns to night and the flow of the river ebbs, finally returning to the stillness it once began from.

img 地址: 北京市海淀区新街口外大街19号  img 电话: +86 (010)58805680  img 邮箱: lookingchina@bnu.edu.cn
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