爱与释 To Love and Let Live
年份 :2024  城市 :安徽
  • 照片
  • 制片职责
  • 姓名
  • 院校
  • 国籍
  • 导演
  • 安妮卡·瓦尔雅塔加
  • 爱沙尼亚塔林大学
  • 爱沙尼亚
  • 制片人
  • 安徽师范大学
  • 卢虹冰
  • 中国

作品介绍(Work introduction)


After separating from her long time partner, Annika found herself thinking more in depth about grief and regret. The everyday choices create the future one will live in. And thus, one may grieve the future that has been lost. We came to NanxiNan Village, experiencing in through her eyes and listening to the local people's thoughts about love and regret. Their stories are both a response to Annikas choice and a deep touch to each of us.

img 地址: 北京市海淀区新街口外大街19号  img 电话: +86 (010)58805680  img 邮箱: lookingchina@bnu.edu.cn
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