画中的田园诗 Idyll In The Painting
年份 :2024  城市 :重庆
  • 照片
  • 制片职责
  • 姓名
  • 院校
  • 国籍
  • 导演
  • 玛丽亚·邦达连科
  • 彼得堡国立电影电视学院
  • 俄罗斯
  • 制片人
  • 周颖希
  • 西南大学
  • 中国

作品介绍(Work introduction)


The film interviews four printmaking artists, some focusing on expressing childhood memories through printmaking, others emphasizing the education of young people in printmaking, and some promoting the innovative   development of printmaking through stone carving and mineral painting. By delving into the countryside and stepping into the scenes of the prints, the camera observes how art emerges from life and is transformed into colorful monuments.

img 地址: 北京市海淀区新街口外大街19号  img 电话: +86 (010)58805680  img 邮箱: lookingchina@bnu.edu.cn
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