桥 Bridge
年份 :2024  城市 :重庆
  • 照片
  • 制片职责
  • 姓名
  • 院校
  • 国籍
  • 导演
  • 克里斯蒂娜 马夫里基
  • 希腊克里特大学
  • 希腊
  • 制片人
  • 李缘晨
  • 西南大学
  • 中国

作品介绍(Work introduction)

因为两次难忘的中国之旅,希腊著名作家 Nikos Kazantzakis 写下了著名的文学作品《中国纪行》,描述了他对20世纪中国的印象。


The two trips of the famous Greek writer Nikos Kazantzakis to China became the motive for him to write the book “Journey to China”, a book that describes the author’s impressions of China during the 20th century. Using this book as a compass, the movie explores China and the city of Chongqing in particular, about 60 years after the author’s last trip. It aims to create a dialogue between the past and the new, and therefore to create a bridge between Greek and Chinese civilization.

img 地址: 北京市海淀区新街口外大街19号  img 电话: +86 (010)58805680  img 邮箱: lookingchina@bnu.edu.cn
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