作品介绍(Work introduction)
岛上巷陌交错,屋舍井然,让古迹遗址这块“活化石”留传至今的是岛民们的坚守和传承。焚烧纸钱、祭拜上香、打理宗祠,这些从简到繁的仪式,烙印在岛民心中,通过代代身教,潜移默化中形成了对习俗、文化的传承。The island is intertwined with lanes and streets, and the houses are well organized, so that the monuments and sites of this "living fossil" have been passed down to the present day is the perseverance and inheritance of the islanders. Burning paper money, worshipping and offering incense, and taking care of the ancestral shrine, all these ceremonies, from the simple to the complex, are imprinted in the hearts of the islanders, and the inheritance of customs and culture is formed through the teaching of the generations.