活着!太湖之滨的三个故事 Alive!-Three stories in the shores of Taihu Lake
年份 :2024  城市 :江苏
  • 照片
  • 制片职责
  • 姓名
  • 院校
  • 国籍
  • 导演
  • Fatimaezzahra Faraji
  • Accademia di belle arti di Macerata
  • Italian
  • 制片人
  • 徐铮
  • 江南大学
  • 中国

作品介绍(Work introduction)

In the tranquil surroundings of Gong Hu Wan river wetland, two young boys, Mike and ray, take a leisurely stroll, surrounded by the beauty of Taihu Lake.

They share their dreams and aspirations for the future as they gaze out at the

shimmering waters. Transitioning seamlessly from the shores of Taihu Lake, we meet Jiankang, a young photographer who finds solace and inspiration at his safe place, Baojie Bridge. With his camera in hand, he captures the breathtaking sunsets that paint the sky with vibrant hues. The chapter ends with Jiankang in a taxi, eagerly sharing his photographs with his friend as they head towards Hubin Commercial Street.

Jiankang and his friends are greeted by Mike and Ray, ready for an evening of a cultural adventure offered by the night market. The night culminates in a cozy restaurant, where they dine, chat, and cherish the bonds of friendship.


在宁静的环境中,两个小男孩,迈克和雷,悠闲地漫步,周围是美丽的太湖。 他们分享了他们对未来的梦想和渴望,当他们凝视着外面的世界 闪闪发光的水。从太湖岸边无缝过渡,我们遇到了健康,一个年轻的摄影师,他在他的安全之地宝界桥找到了安慰和灵感。他手里拿着相机,捕捉到了用充满活力的色彩描绘天空的令人惊叹的日落。这一章以健康乘出租车结束,他热切地与朋友分享他的照片。健康和他的朋友们受到了迈克和雷的欢迎,准备迎接夜市提供的文化冒险之夜。夜晚在一个舒适的餐厅达到高潮,在那里他们吃饭,聊天,并珍惜珍贵的友谊。

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