作品介绍(Work introduction)
卢老师认为,人的一生无非就两件活法。一是创造价值,另一是追求趣味。现如今,他马上要退休了,有了足够的空闲时间和前半辈子积攒下的财富,他决定把他接下来的人生都投入到环游世界和撰写游记中,同时,他喜欢在世界各地都做上一碗来自家乡的美味 Biang-Biang面。
Teacher Lu believes that there are two ways of living. One is chasing career and money, and the other is enjoying hobbies and everyday life. Now that he is finally nearing retirement and has enough time and money, he has decided to devote all his time to traveling around the world and writing travelogues, all while preparing his famously delicious Biang-Biang noodles.