金目奖 / 最佳文化发现奖
  • 最佳文化发现奖年金目奖
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30年代的中国处于侵华战争的水深火热之中 为了响应民众抗日的呼声上海电通公司制作影片《风云儿女》,电影结尾,主人公们唱起了田汉作词,聂耳作词的新中国之歌《义勇军进行曲》。

In 1930s, China faced Japanese aggression, which led to mass attacks and War of Resistance. In response to the people's call for resistance against Japanese aggression, Shanghai Denton Company produced the film "Children of Troubled Times". At the end of the film, the heroes sang a song called “March of the Volunteers”, written by Tian Han and composed by Nie Er, which has become the song of New China.

一等奖first prize
first prize
二等奖first prize
second prize
二等奖first prize
third prize
二等奖first prize
best culture discovery
二等奖first prize
best best artistic presentation
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